Projects handed over
Current Projects
People Trained
Nutritionally Boosted Kids Meals
Harvest Volume
Site visits/In field Workshops
Beneficiaries Reached
Recorded Harvests
You can make a difference!
Help us deliver food garden infrastructure and a 1 year development service to projects in need from as little as R65 000. Your investment will impact children now and in the long term
Giving nutrition programmes long term sustainability by investing in a modular or repurposed shipping container kitchen facilities. We deliver safe and fully equipped units in 7 weeks.

Engaged and healthy children means…
Training projects to grow their own food in sustainable ways
Every child has the right to have their needs met. By meeting their most basic food security and nutritional needs, they are given the freedom to fully access other developmental opportunities available.
That’s why our food garden programme up skills with sustainability in mind.
Over 1 year we teach projects to maintain their food gardens. Incrementally and with direct experience, projects learn to grow through all seasons, navigating challenges and building confidence. We find this to be the most effective way to ensure long term viability of infrastructure and tools provided.
Delivering innovative and cost effective food garden solutions to schools and early learning centres. Our water wise raised beds make food security possible in most environments.
Projects are skilled and implementation monitored over a year allowing us
to guide, support and track nutritional outcomes from each project